St. Benedict and Berry Sandwiches

I grew up the saying “Christians don’t have luck, they have God’s blessings.” Well, I’m going to throw out that part of my theology right now (I totally believe in God’s blessing, BTW) and say that I got lucky with my home stay and school placement.

I’ve already been invited to attend Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) with my family (a very private affair) and we’re going to the largest aquarium in Asia. I’ve been treated to popinsu, Korean BBQ, and a tour of the town. I’ve eaten berry sandwiches (jam and berries on toast), consumed my weight in Jeju Island fruit for desert, and have watched my host siblings play badminton. Heck, I even have my own bathroom.

As a growing Benedictine, my host family has shown me true hospitality. They could have simply given me a room and three meals, but they have gone above and beyond what was asked of them. I’m sure in the future there will be days where I’ll be tired of the island, but there will be days like today, when I’m happy that I’m here.

Maybe the spirit of St. Benedict is found in a berry sandwich on a small island off the coast of South Korea.

In other news:

I begin teaching on Monday, which is the same day that a typhoon is supposed to hit the island. Everybody is so chillax about it here. They just say “Yes, a typhoon. Be careful.”

I got a smartphone. I read articles on it today and was amazed. I mean, I can check my email on this thing.

I thought the ocean was fog.

Korean ramen noodles (pronounced lam-yan in Korean) are amazing.

I’m still figuring out public transportation and took the wrong bus, which included a 2-hour trip around Seogwipo. No big. Got to see the city.

Geon bae from a different kind of south and good morning America,
