Friday Tidbits

Tidbits. Because if I wrote a full post with big girl paragraphs, I’d collapse from exhaustion.

  • Winter Camp. I finished my next-to-last day of my 5-day English camp at my all-girls’ middle school. I initially dreading having to do a winter camp, as I thought all we would be able to do is English drills. However, my coteacher encouraged me to have fun with it and this week has been a blast. It’s funny how you think they things you don’t want to do turn out to be great. I was also on the receiving end of a few Valentines yesterday, and that’s never bad.
  • Renewing. Earlier this week, the Fulbright office emailed all of us, asking if we were interested in renewing our grants. I have been immersed in thought about this for weeks, no, months. I submitted the survey, noting that I was interested in renewing as a last resort. It was then a few days later that I made my decision: I will be leaving South Korea in July when my contract ends. This was not an easy decision, and I went back and forth in my mind for a long, long time. However, one of my dreams is to be a teacher in the USA, and I’d like to begin the next phase of my life. South Korea has treated me well, and though I still have a little under 5 months remaining in my grant term, I feel as if closure has already begun. It will be sad to leave my school, my co-teacher, and especially my wonderful host family, but I plan on making these 5 months count. I honestly believe that I may be back in Korea to teach again someday, so I know this book is not fully closed. 
  • Seoul Next Week! Next week, I’m going to Seoul for a few days of relaxation before the new semester begins. I really would like to visit a few museums. Girls like museums.

geon bae!
